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Вопросы и ответы на ЦП (2)


На форуме появилось объявление о том, что Irish проведёт в четверг и пятницу сессии вопросов и ответов на главной площади. С 9 GMT дo 10 GMT, с 13GMT дo 14 GMT и с 20GMT дo 21 GMT.

Только, что завершилась первая беседа с Главой ордена стражей.

Краткие итоги:

  • залы Талаара находятся в стадии бета-тестирования и, возможно будут доступны не ранее, чем через две недели;
  • ярмарка состоится через месяца три… не ранее… вместо улучшенных будут обычные топоры;
  • игроки, получившие недавно «кляп», скорее всего будут амнистированы;
  • ожидается, что за месяц население сервера вырастет втрое;
  • начался активный набор в ряды стражей и менторов.

Относительно полная распечатка чата с Irish под катом:


09:07  Kenshin » El Guerrero : yup irish is here
09:08  Irish » El Guerrero : questions?
09:10  El Guerrero » Irish : yes… So, what has happened with transfer times?
09:10  El Guerrero » Irish : on other servers it doesn’t depend on population or anyother favtors.. it is fixed. Why here we see that time lasts longer
09:10  Irish » El Guerrero : transfer times, isdependant on game population
09:11  Irish » El Guerrero : it will hopefully be fixed here too, right now we have the original game code
09:11  Irish » El Guerrero : which is population dependant, but a guy is working on fixing this
09:12  Chita » Irish : but toliktolik said yesterday on his qa session that transfer time will stay as it was before
09:12  Irish » Chita : yes, that’s why a guy is working on it
09:12  Irish has blessed KarthS with the Alalaila blessing.
09:13  El Guerrero » Irish : another question: is it possible to make an amnesty due to celebration day. For all players who got curse of silence for more than 90 days… and who went into dungeon…..
09:13  El Guerrero » Irish : something like general amnesty
09:13  Irish » El Guerrero : yes
09:13  Irish » El Guerrero : we will free them
09:13  Irish » El Guerrero : soon 🙂
09:13  El Guerrero » Irish : That would be great!
09:14  Irish » El Guerrero : those were meant only to calm people 🙂
09:15  leffunk » Irish : sorry when is this celebration day?
09:15  IslazandI » Irish : what about drop rates…?? now that no items are in auction anymore….will they increase it.. ? or we will need to higher up the prices..?
09:15  Irish » leffunk : admins will anounce it
09:15  Irish » IslazandI : drop rate depends on population, the higher the pop, the higher the drop rate
09:16  El Guerrero » Irish : Can you tell us somethign about a new patch which is probably coming?
09:17  Irish » El Guerrero : new patch, will contain updates, that waygate was planning, plus some more, brought in emergency meeting from russia
09:17  Irish » El Guerrero : also, many mny bug fixes, like proffesions rising too slow
09:17  Irish » El Guerrero : bonecrushers will crit more, dodgers will dodge more, etc
09:18  El Guerrero » Irish : Will this server stay different? And not like russian prime or minor and German one?
09:18  Irish » El Guerrero : this is the good stuff… there may be some bad stuff, but i don’t know about that
09:19  Irish » El Guerrero : no, this server will keep it’s own flavor
09:19  revenfs » Irish : will there be an increase in mobs ?, some mobs like kodrags are only 3 or 4 pcs at best in waterfall
09:19  Irish » revenfs : yes, mobs in locations will no longer be fixed, but will depend n no of ppl in location
09:20  El Guerrero » Irish : So, we don’t have to worry about convertion of kretches lait into instance and «mammoth-like» transfer times like on other servers?
09:20  revenfs » Irish : k thanks
09:20  Irish » El Guerrero : transfer times, i’ve been assured not, i have no idea about kretch lair
09:21  El Guerrero » Irish : Another question: some people have transfered real money in order to buy special items during last trade fair… Now, without those items they don’t need that money in this game anymore..
09:22  El Guerrero » Irish : How this issue will be solved? Do they receive their money wired back to them… Or, there will be a new fair trade with similar items?
09:22  Irish » El Guerrero : no trade fair coming soon 🙂
09:23  El Guerrero » Irish : how long is «soon»? 🙂
09:23  -HERA- » Irish : with axes?
09:23  Irish » -HERA-, VampyrePrincess : you both can ask questions if you want i’m no admin, i don’t gag for stuff i don’t like
09:23  Irish » El Guerrero : 3 months
09:23  Irish » -HERA- : with normal red axes no enhanced
09:24  leffunk » Irish : those with 14 day lifetime?
09:24  -HERA- » Irish : i want a normal;)
09:24  -HERA- » Irish : the other give me to much exp
09:24  Irish » leffunk : that i cannot confirm or infirm
09:25  Irish : guards will be recruiting
09:25  Irish : heavily
09:25  Irish » El Guerrero : xp, and valor, with a armor bonus usually
09:25  TANGOO : Armor Error
09:25  Irish : we’re expecting a tripling of server population within one month
09:26  TANGOO : you can NOT wear an item from that fighting style ,, WTF
09:26  Irish » TANGOO : yeah i know 🙂
09:26  Irish » TANGOO : ok that i didn’t know
09:26  TANGOO » Irish : you cant wear another pcs on a dirfrant set , even if your fully naked
09:26  El Guerrero » Irish : What did toliktolik mean under «funny drinks» that we are going receive for celebration day?
09:26  Irish » El Guerrero : potions with unexpected results
09:27  Irish » TANGOO : heh wtf? will pass off the bug 🙂
09:27  TANGOO » Irish : thanks
09:27  -HERA- » Irish : what is with my imonjans? i must do again? we get no valour back or we get?
09:28  Irish » -HERA- : yes, unfortunatelly we all need to re-do the 5 days
09:28  Therra » jakal : any update on BoV and BoE or Healer BoE vs Executioner BoV?
09:28  -HERA- » Irish : 09:24 FarNak » -HERA- : ask him about talaars pls
09:28  leffunk » Irish : that’s not very motivating -.-
09:28  Strayreb » Irish : is there a link where the admin has posted answers to questions that were asked?
09:28  Irish » -HERA- : talaars is coming, it’s already on the test server
09:28  Therra » Irish : any update on BoV and BoE or Healer BoE vs Executioner BoV?
09:29  Irish » Strayreb : i dont know the answer to that one 😛
09:29  Strayreb » Irish : ok thanks for answering
09:29  El Guerrero » Irish : Will high-leveled Locksmith get some bonuses like Executioners and Healers?
09:29  Irish » Therra : not that i know of, there’s bug fixes and teams from 3 servers working for us at this moment, rus, turk, german and this teams sserver
09:30  Therra » Irish : k,tnx
09:30  Irish » El Guerrero : i believe not but i don’t know he answer
09:31  Irish : more questions
09:31  Irish : ask me anything, as you see no gags
09:31  -HERA- » Irish : 09:30 AdrenalinRush2 » -HERA- : uhm they give us sometink , for us loosed time this 5 days ? 😛
09:31  Irish » -HERA- : i don’t think so, no
09:31  El Guerrero » Irish : Another question: Because of 5 days lost should I renew renting of items from another player, or it will be automatically renewed? (7 days free renting thing)
09:32  Irish » El Guerrero : 8 days extension on all trades
09:32  -HERA- » Irish : PLEASE
09:32  Irish » -HERA- : no
09:33  -HERA- :
09:33  frank052996 » Irish : what about people who gave loan back on those 5 days? Should they give the loan money again?
09:33  Irish » -HERA- : we’d have to give everyone poverty and that woud no longer be a punishment
09:33  -HERA- » Irish : how many Player we lost in theese 3 days now?09:33  El Guerrero » Irish : What are those PREMIUM features which appeared at new Terms of Use?
09:33  Irish » frank052996 : yes
09:34  Irish » -HERA- : not enough 😛
09:34  Irish » -HERA- : we lost less then 50
09:34  Irish » El Guerrero : sex change, name change, re-roll with diamonds, same as before mainly
09:34  -HERA- » Irish : but the server is realy empty for my feeling
09:34  -Strard- » Irish : yea whats with this pay to play stuff i read?
09:34  -Strard- » Irish : oh yea thats right nvm
09:35  leffunk » Irish : but i think a lot of players aren’t really playing at the moment, just standing around or doing profession
09:35  Irish » -HERA- : yes it’s ot as active as before, i feel it too
09:35  -Strard- » Irish : why was the change of admins needed?
09:35  Irish » -Strard- : no pay to play 🙂
09:36  -HERA- » Irish : no one buys my drinks they go ever… maybe we must wait 1 or 2 weeks
09:36  Irish » leffunk : i suggest yous tart playing admins don’t seem to want to busge on that, i tryed
09:36  Irish » -HERA- : i tryed to get the rollback,a dmins sayd no, life goes on, that was the best i could do
09:36  -HERA- » Irish : my husband is waiting to get his clan back. then the normal work start here again?
09:37  leffunk » Irish : therefor i need to stand and fish over1000 fish again i did that last week -.-
09:37  Irish : ok fresh news from the oven
09:37  Irish : there will be downtime soon while the server is patched
09:37  Irish » leffunk : 😦 yes, but i buy fish :), if u sell to me 😀
09:37  Kenshin » Irish : for how long?
09:38  Irish » Kenshin : no idea, as i said it’s uber fresh enws
09:38  Irish : also guards are working for the players not for the admins
09:38  -Strard- : what we need to remember is too all the stuff that came when reggie an all that started there was cheaters an all that crap we need to go through it all again till they get removed
09:38  Irish : any fresh news we’ll share
09:38  leffunk » Irish : lol i need them to make me scrolls cause without them i’ll be unable to play on lvl7 -.-
09:38  Irish : like there
09:38  -HERA- » Irish : 09:36 -HERA- » Irish : my husband is waiting to get his clan back. then the normal work start here again?
09:38  Kenshin » Irish : we had a downtime awhile ago at about 0500 instead of the 0600. people were caught unaware 😦
09:39  -HERA- » Irish : you can awnser?
09:38  Irish » -Strard- : yes we will work for that 🙂
09:39  Irish » -HERA- : clan… ok, gonna pass that to admins too
09:39  -Strard- : only prob is these admin dont seem care like the last crew
09:39  El Guerrero » Irish : Can you please clarify yesterday’s phrase by toliktolik: «We’ve lost a lot of nights Guarding Human players that weekend and it is lost as well.»
09:39  El Guerrero » Irish : What was so important about that issue?
09:39  -Strard- : the guy has a serious i am god problem
09:39  -HERA- » Irish : mag he is you know. his clan is after the reroll back in registration
09:40  Irish » -Strard- : they do, pass all requests to me, and i’ll do my best to get them solved
09:40  Irish » -HERA- : mags, sorry, mags are not my domain, he has to bugger weiss
09:40  Kenshin » -Strard- : we can keep down the insults for later, we want to have a Q&A first 🙂
09:40  -HERA- » Irish : ok i tell him
09:40  Irish » El Guerrero : we worked sunday night me and him for about 8 hours, jailed over 700 cheaters
09:41  -Strard- » Irish : we might not have seen eye to eye in the past but i know youll do your best thats not what im worried about
09:41  -Strard- » Kenshin : im just voicing my opinion
09:41  El Guerrero » Irish : oh… that’s many? But why? Where they from? How did they cheat? Is it connected with old administration of a game?
09:41  -Strard- » Kenshin : in the last 2 days ive been gaged had posts deleted an changed
09:41  Irish » El Guerrero : all that is erased
09:42  Irish » El Guerrero : no, we used extra ttools, but they did cheat i and him worked alot, and all that is gone, and has to be redone
09:42  Irish » -Strard- : you can voice your opinion, no worries 🙂
09:43  Irish : i have better contact with the new admins, and stuff i send, actually gets feedback

09:44  -Strard- » Irish : so honestly you think they will look out for the players?
09:44  leffunk » Irish : nice for u but we other players haven’t gotten any satisfying answers from thet
09:44  leffunk : *that
09:44  Irish » -Strard- : yes, and i will do my best to make them stick to that resolution
09:44  Irish » leffunk : well you get from me what i can offer
09:45  Irish » leffunk : you know i don’t hunt much, most of the time i spend as before, for the game 🙂
09:45  Strayreb : i actually like tolictolic yesterday i just welcomed him to the game and wished him luck with working out the issues that were going on and he actually answered me, something the others never did
09:45  -Strard- » Strayreb : i cant say i do
09:46  Irish : u have me for 14 more minutes
09:46  Irish : no torturing me?
09:46  El Guerrero » Irish : You mentioned previously about Talaars Halls. Aprox. when this valour instance comes to us?
09:46  leffunk » Irish : i know that i’m quite influenced by the way astrum handles the german server, so i’ll stay skeptic
09:47  -Strard- » Irish : ok so why the change? of admin an company
09:47  Strayreb : i think if we give them a chance we will find that they really do want to help, but if the first thing that happens upsets the entire player list and you get posts and comments…………..
09:47  Irish » El Guerrero : 2 weeks i hope 🙂
09:47  Strayreb : all saying how bad you are then of course you are going to kinda get frustrated
09:47  Irish » -Strard- : waygate had poor proffits, and no growth for last 2 months just loss
09:47  El Guerrero » Irish : Will trade rules change?
09:48  -Strard- » Irish : so they tried the fair?
09:48  Irish » El Guerrero : i sure hope so, they aren’t very clear now
09:48  -Strard- » Irish : why even with the roll back have they refused to re open a fair with the same stuff?
09:48  Irish » -Strard- : no comment on that, i liked the old and i like the new, i don’t take sides on that
09:49  Strayreb : i mean if every player in th game tells you that you are horrible on your first day at work i imagine that that would make for a bad day
09:49  El Guerrero » Irish : For example, I have a friend and want to present him twilight wakizashi and daito. How should I do it, in order not to get into dungeon.
09:49  Irish » -Strard- : i really have no comment, i’m very good friends with tom and pawel
09:49  El Guerrero » Irish : 75% from market price or from listed in info price?
09:49  -Strard- » Irish : ok so what was there reason for not backing up before they moved an caused the roll back?
09:50  Irish » El Guerrero : market price, that’s why we have a trade dept, if you can’t find them online, send a po message it’s just 1 silver
09:50  Irish » -Strard- : there was a download,a nd it was going fine, but when it got on the german server, those had a newer version
09:51  Irish » -Strard- : the new one got overwritten and corrupted
09:51  Irish » -Strard- : we actually had a merged database with the german server
09:51  Irish » -Strard- : unfortunatelly that is all i know
09:52  -HERA- » Irish : they should look at my acc please i get now 7 days in rowe only weestlas and 1 bottle
09:52  -Strard- » Irish : so why not just wait reload the backup an work out the problem before continuing the transfer
09:52  Irish » -HERA- : drops don’t take into account ppl 😛
09:52  El Guerrero » Irish : A little bit rude question. You don’t have to answer it.. but, what guards and mentos receive for their hard work?
09:52  Irish » -Strard- : the backup was not saved, they moved the whole version
09:52  Irish » El Guerrero : for the last week, no compensation
09:53  Irish » El Guerrero : only normal guard salary and that’s not very big
09:53  -Strard- » Irish : was it the first time they have done this?
09:53  Irish » El Guerrero : 14 hours of work get 10g
09:53  Irish » -Strard- : yes, the first time, this was their first server migration
09:53  -Strard- » Irish : and they never thought to back it up?
09:54  -Strard- » Irish : i can see why people are really angry

09:54  Irish » -Strard- : can’t say what they thought or didn’t
09:54  Irish » -Strard- : i lost as much as the next guy
09:54  Irish » -Strard- : spent my whole easter holidays here, 10 hours a day

09:55  Irish » -Strard- : there were punsihments within the company
09:55  -Strard- » Irish : sackings? nice
09:55  -Strard- : lol
09:56  leffunk » Irish : i was in hell as i made a little mistake as trainee but we had backups from 12hours before ^^
09:56  ultraman19 : ive applied for guards hope they take me in
09:56  leffunk : 09:55 leffunk » Irish : excuse me my language but that was no professional admin work that was work of noobs -.-

09:56  Irish » leffunk : well they honey, nothing ican say there

09:57  Irish » leffunk : sorry for my course language 😛
09:59  Irish : ok sorry for that seems some mentors work very well when they see guards making mistakes
09:59  Irish : 09:57 You have placed the Curse of Silence on Irish [10] for 1min.
10:03  Irish : i’d like to ask the little mentors thatw ere so quick to complain, to actually help with COMPLAINTS when they appear, also. Not just sit on their butts and wait for others to work
10:04  -ELFGIRL- » Irish : i m sorry a head guard mister, but little mentors cant see complaints and if we did we wont be sitting our butts off

10:05 Irish » -ELFGIRL- : guddy and drakce can see them
10:10 Irish » Baba : bad badenglish good, deutsch in private please

10:11  Irish » Tholund : but the german people call their own country deutschland, the land of the deutsch

10:11 Guddy » Irish : anyway am i right april 15 to 20 doesnt even exist right??/how bout too much lag can they fix it asap??ive tried to download the new game client now but its hard

10:12  Irish » Guddy : yes client ..is a bit kaput working on it too

10:14  Irish » Guddy : write ping www. warofdragons. com

10:14  Irish » Guddy : and tracert www. warofdragons. com
10:15  Irish » Guddy : and send the report you got to support @ warofdragons . com
10:15  -Strard- » Irish : will the transfer times go back to like bfore?
10:15  Irish » -Strard- : it’s being worked on, but Q&A is over will be back at the next announced time

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